
02-964-5900-1 ทุกวัน 9:00 - 18:00 น. (วันหยุดนักขัตฤกษ์)

Giancarlo Piretti × OKAMURA Piretti Collection 【Introduction designer】ジャンカルロ ピレッティ

Piretti studied at the Istituto Statale d’Arte in Bologna , where he graduated as Insegnante di Disegno (drawing teacher). In 1960 he attended the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna . He then taught interior design at the Istituto Statale d’Arte in Bologna for seven years . Also in 1960 Piretti began his work as chief designer and development manager of the furniture manufacturer Anonima Castelli , where he designed numerous models (especially seating furniture) for twelve years until 1972 and was thus significantly involved in the international success of the company.

PLIA chair

One of his well-known designs is the plia foldable plastic chair , which he presented at the Fiera del Mobile in Milan in 1967 and which has sold more than four million pieces since 1969. The object won the BIO5 prize at the Ljubljana Biennale in 1971 and the German design prize Gute Form in 1973 . Copies of the chair are in collections of museums in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and the United States.

DSC 103 chair

PLIA chair

OKAMURA Piretti Collection 1991





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